
Free Flu Vaccines

Free Flu Vaccines and Free COVID-19 Testing at 2 Convenient Locations on November 19.

The Shelby County Health Department is offering offering free flu vaccinations and free COVID-19 testing at no charge during a special statewide “FightFluTN 2020” drive-through vaccination event on Thursday, November 19, 2020. Influenza vaccine and COVID-19 testing will be offered on November 19 at the locations below.

Lamar Emissions Station 1720 RKS Commercial Cove Memphis, TN 38114

Millington Public Health Clinic 8225 Highway 51 North Millington, TN 38053

No appointment is needed. Please note, the influenza vaccine is not recommended for anyone experiencing fever or flu-like symptoms. Those experiencing symptoms may be tested for COVID-19, but will not get a flu vaccine at that time.


MLGW Virtual Community Meeting – Sept 24

Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division invites customers to a virtual community “Power Hour” meeting September 24, 6PM at mlgw.com/PowerHourMeeting.

The meeting will be hosted on Zoom as well as streamed live on the MLGW Facebook page. Power Hour community meetings give MLGW customers a chance to speak directly to utility managers and senior leaders. Previous meetings have touched on streetlight outages, utility rates, assistance programs and several other topics.

To join virtual Power Hour by Zoom visit: https://mlgw.zoom.us/j/99835621981 or join by telephone using one of these numbers:

+1 646 876 9923
+1 301 715 8592
+1 312 626 6799
+1 669 900 6833
+1 253 215 8782

Webinar ID: 998 3562 1981.


2020 Census

Have you filled it out yet? It’s easy and quick. So far our neighbors are doing pretty well with the numbers we’ve seen so far but we can do better! As of 5/20 we are at 65% completion in our tract.

Follow this link to see in real time how we’re doing.



Coronavirus Protections

Due to the spread of the Coronavirus, at this time, we ask that you use our online options to make payments for County taxes, at either our website www.shelbycountytrustee.com or the payit901 app on your smartphone. If that is not possible, please use the mail by obtaining money orders rather than cash. If you request a receipt, it will be sent to you, and your payment will be good for the date of the postmark. We will of course be open to accept payments as well.

Thank you for keeping yourself and our employees healthy and safe! Be vigilant about your health: avoid crowds, wash your hands regularly, don’t touch your face and follow the other recommendations of the CDC.


Annual First Responders BBQ Dinner

Join us for our Annual Dinner honoring our Police Officers and Firefighters.

November 21 – 6:30PM

The dinner is at the Balmoral Baptist Church at the Corner of Kirby Parkway and Stout Road.

Dinner Prices*
Members: $8 for adults and $2 for children or a family max of $20

Non-members: $10 for adults and $5 for children.

*To ensure we have enough food for everyone, please make your reservation no later than Tuesday, November 19th to ksana.contact@gmail.com or 901-758-0510.


Halloween Hayride!

CANCELLED  – Due to the impending weather Saturday night we have have reluctantly decided to cancel the event for this year.

Check our calendar for upcoming opportunities to gather as neighbors. Happy Fall!


Come join us Oct 26th at 5PM for a neighborhood cookout and hayride. We’ll have hamburgers, hotdogs and all the fixings.

We’ll eat and then take leisurely rides through the neighborhood on an old fashioned hayride.

We eat and start the hayride on Camrose Cove.

Bring your lawn chairs and your best halloween costume!

(Feel free to bring your favorite side dish)


Mosquito Control Activities Scheduled for the Week of September 9, 2019

SHELBY COUNTY, TN – The Shelby County Health Department’s Mosquito Control Program routinely traps and tests mosquitoes for the presence of West Nile virus (WNV). Mosquitoes positive for the West Nile Virus have been identified in the following zip codes in Shelby County: 38002, 38016, 38018, 38053, 38103, 38104, 38105, 38106, 38107, 38108, 38109, 38111, 38112, 38114, 38115, 38116, 38117, 38118, 38119, 38120, 38122, 38125, 38126, 38127, 38128, 38133, 38134, 38135, 38138, 38139.

Residents of zip codes where the virus has been detected are advised to be especially careful to avoid mosquito bites. The first human case of West Nile Virus has now been reported in Shelby County, indicating the virus is being transmitted to humans by mosquitoes. The Health Department recommends the following precautions to prevent mosquito bites:

  • Wear long pants and long-sleeve shirts when working or playing outside, especially in the early morning and evening hours when mosquitoes are most active.
  • Wear mosquito repellents containing DEET, according to label directions.
  • Install or repair screens on windows and doors.

Since February, the Shelby County Health Department’s Mosquito Control Program has treated areas by applying larvicides to standing bodies of water. These actions are consistent with efforts to be proactive in decreasing the adult mosquito population. Larviciding is the practice of applying an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered insecticide to areas where mosquito breeding has been confirmed. It is the most effective way of eliminating mosquito populations.

As an additional precaution, SCHD will conduct mosquito control activities, including truck-mounted spraying (adulticiding) of EPA-approved insecticides, weather permitting*, in specific ZIP codes where the West Nile virus has been detected, and portions of adjoining zip codes, according to the following schedule:

Monday, September 9th

7:45 p.m. – 10:45 p.m.

ZIP Codes: 38002, 38053, 38004, 38011

Tuesday, September 10th

7:45 p.m. – 10:45 p.m.

ZIP Codes: 38053, 38127

Wednesday, September 11th

7:45 p.m. – 10:45 p.m.

ZIP Codes: 38119, 38125, 38141

Thursday, September 12th

7:45 p.m. – 10:45 p.m.

ZIP Codes: 38016, 38018, 38028, 38017

Go to www.shelbytnhealth.com to view the most current schedule and the exact boundaries of each scheduled spray. New maps will be added weekly to reflect updated schedules.

Truck mounted spraying only effectively kills adult mosquitoes currently flying at the time the insecticide is sprayed. Because of this, residents are highly encouraged to be vigilant as it relates to controlling mosquito populations around their homes and businesses and preventing mosquito bites. Individuals are encouraged to practice the 4 D’s:

  • DEFEND yourself by using insect repellent with DEET. Follow label instructions.
  • DRESS in long sleeves and pants. Wear loose and light colored clothing when outdoors.
  • DUSK/DAWN is the time when mosquitoes are most active. Stay indoors.
  • DRAIN standing water and install or repair window screens.

Individuals with chronic health problems such as asthma or other lung conditions may want to remain indoors during the time of spraying. Citizens who do not want their residences to be sprayed should contact the Vector Control Program at (901) 222-9715.

* To ensure the insecticide is most effective, the scheduled spraying will be canceled if any of the following weather conditions are present for the majority of the schedule spray time:

  • Rain chance of 65% or greater
  • Wind speeds 11mph or greater
  • Temperature less than 60 degrees Fahrenheit

Follow @ShelbyTNHealth on Twitter and Facebook for the most up-to-date cancellations of any scheduled sprayings.