All KSANA neighbors, mark your calendars for Saturday, December 7th (the Saturday after Thanksgiving weekend).
KSANA will have a table set up in the parking lot of the Balmoral Baptist Church, and we will be hosting THREE simultaneous drives:
1) Our annual KSANA FOOD DRIVE for the Mid-South Food Bank will be set up from 9:30 am – 1:00 pm. Bring non-perishable food items to donate, or bring cash or checks (made out to the Mid-South Food Bank). Our neighborhood usually raises about $800-1000!
2) The TOYS FOR TOTS DRIVE is in honor of Officer Geoffrey Redd. Bring new, unwrapped toys for ages 1-12, and we will donate them to this ongoing drive sponsored by the police.
3) Back again! Our KSANA NEIGHBORHOOD JUNK DRIVE. The Junk Llamas will drop a container in the Balmoral Church parking lot from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. KSANA neighbors can fill it up with furniture, mattresses, metal items like bikes and appliances, carpets, rugs, sinks, bathtubs, computers, electronics, glass, lumber and old paint cans (as long as the paint inside is dry). Do NOT bring hazardous materials. YOU have to bring it to the church parking lot. The Junk Llamas will not pick items up at your house. Paid for by KSANA! Take advantage of this opportunity to clean out your junk for FREE!
If you have any questions about the FOOD / TOY / JUNK drives on Saturday, December 7th from 9:30 am-1:00 pm, call Ann Meier at 901-848-2536. Many of our KSANA board members will be able to accept donations early, for anyone heading out to the St. Jude Marathon that morning. Please go ahead and start gathering your Food, Toys and Junk to donate.
Everybody participate, and let’s have a great neighborhood-giving holiday!